It's easy to dismiss YouTube as one of those things that the "kids these days" are using to watch Influencers show you around their apartments. While yes, it is used for that, YouTube is an amazing tool for any business to ramp up their digital marketing. Here are our 3 reasons why your brand needs a YouTube channel.

1) 50% of B2B Decision Makers use YouTube as Research
YouTube is not just for B2C companies. Just like consumers, businesses research brands before purchasing services or products. YouTube is used more often than other social media sites (like Facebook or even LinkedIn) when choosing a business solution. Utilize YouTube as a video host for all of your "About Us" content to help drive sales.
2) 70% of Viewers Bought from a Brand After Seeing it on YouTube
There are lots of ways to get your product onto YouTube. Video ads, Influencer product reviews, and brand videos are all excellent ways to advertise. Creating a YouTube Channel to direct all that traffic to helps your potential customers find you.
3) 80% of Videos that Appear in Google Search Results are from YouTube
Google Universal Search is the fancy term for going to and typing keywords into the search bar. As the number one search engine, Google holds the key to SEO and digital marketing. 65% of Google Universal Searches come back with video results. Of those videos, 80% of them are hosted on YouTube. Use your YouTube Channel to answer commonly asked questions about your industry. With 35% of adults in the US utilizing YouTube as a learning tool, the site is the perfect place to host "How To" videos.
Do you have a specific video question? Schedule a free video analysis call at